My Speech about The Simple Life of Rasulullah

Excellency… . The headmaster or NFBS, Usth. Endah Utaminingtyas
Respectable all the teachers of NFBS
Honorable, all the trainers of Indocita Foundation Malang
And unforgettable, all my students I love very much.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Firstly, let’s pray and thanks unto our God Allah swt who has given us mercies and blessing, so we can gather and meet here in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be upon to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from Jahiliyah to Islamiyah namely Islamic religion.
And thirdly, I say thank you very much to the MC who has given me time to deliver my speech in front of you all.

Happy audience,
In this beautiful morning, I would like to deliver my speech by the title About Time for Us (Islamic)
on this occasion, I want to invite you to describe about  Rasulullah way of life. One of this is simple life or we can called it humble. Rasulullah get various forging life. From suppressed time, economic embargo, fight till he can build the Islamiyah Chalifah.
However, he choose simple life.
Do we ever hear that he eat the delicious food.
Do we ever hear that he use hat from golden, silver or pearl
Do we ever hear that he sit in deluxe throne
Do ever use big robes
No! He live in the house paved ground.  There no something in his house expect the vessel for take ablusion and pedestal to sit. He wear a clothes that be sewn by own. Even when his daughter ask one of a maid for help her household work, he not given it and entertain her by remembering Allah swt when she do household.
Umar bin Khattab ever cry when he look his house condition. While outside, the king live in deluxe palace, eat delicious food and wear the deluxe clothes. Umar ask to him
“ Why do you choose this life, my prophet?”
Rasulullah say :
“Oh Umar bin Khattab, their good/benefit be accelerated to come, but their benefit will be broken. While we are community who our good/benefit be delayed till end. Don’t you desire if eternity/afterlife for us and world/earth for their?”
Finally, I Hope we can follow his figure. Amien.
What do we ever think, why he choose the simple life?
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
That’s all what I can deliver, thank you very much for being attentive. And the last I say…
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb


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